Our main mission is to ensure that your voice is heard!

Gefle Student Union is run by students for students. We are constantly working towards further improving your education and work environment. It's a given that all students should be able to reach their goals - and have fun along the way.
In the office, we have a president, vice president, and student influence representative who work full-time on student influence and educational policy. We also have a social affairs officer who works on work environment, housing issues, and events. And a communicator who manages the website, social media, and business relations, among other things.
Our everyday work here at the union varies depending on the position, of course. But for all of us, students are the focus. We want your time here at HiG to be as rewarding, fun, and developmental as possible! This means we monitor programs to ensure they maintain high quality, make sure there's something to do after classes, and ensure that you, as a student, enjoy life in the city of Gävle. We collaborate closely with the University, Gävle Municipality, and all student associations to achieve this.
Paid assignment?
Within Gefle Studentkår, we have five individuals who receive remuneration – the chairperson, vice chairperson, study social responsible, student influence responsible, and communicator. Being remunerated means that one has a... förtroendeuppdrag. Vilket i sin tur betyder att vi har fått medlemmarnas förtroende att utföra våra uppdrag. Detta förtroende ges av fullmäktige, det vill säga de ledamöter som medlemmarna valt att styra kårens arbete.
Organisationens uppbyggnad

Vad har Gefle studentkår gjort för studenterna genom åren?
Som kår har vi lyckats genomföra en rad olika projekt. 3 gyllene exempel på vad en engagerad studentkår kan åstadkomma är…
Busslinje 15
Tack vare Gefle studentkårs engagemang finns en busslinje hela vägen from Sätra ner till Högskolan!
Tack vare Gefle Studentkårs hårda arbete och påtryckningar är alla salstentor anonyma!
Student Representation
Tack vare Gefle Studentkårs engagemang får nu samtliga studentrepresentanter ersättning!