Sektioner och föreningar vid HiG ChatGPT
Här hittar du alla sektioner och fristående studentföreningar på campus!

Gefleteknologerna (Gtech)
Gefleteknologerna (Gtech)" is the section for all students studying at the School of Engineering and Sustainable Development at the University of Gävle, as well as those taking independent courses under ATM.
The association operates a pub and is the one running the pub "Trossen." All union members are welcome there to meet people and socialize!
Overall color: Bordeaux

Vård- och omsorg i X-län (VOX)
The section "VOX" (Vård och Omsorg i X-län) is aimed at students in the nursing and social work programs at the University of Gävle, as well as the criminology program.
They have a close collaboration with the Gtech section. For example, during the introduction period, they are called "TechnoVox" and welcome their students together.
Overall color: Yellow

Gavlecon" is the section for those studying the business program, real estate program, or legal studies at the University of Gävle.
Gavlecon" has its own clubhouse called "Nya Vall," where several events are organized. All student union members are welcome there to meet people and socialize!
Overall color: Red

Cult is the section for those studying communication and religious studies.
With events such as study sessions, "cultmys," and ghost ball tournaments, there's always something for everyone. Whether you want to dance at Trossen, find a study buddy, or get to know other students.
Overall color: Khaki

Pedagogerna i Gävle (PiG)
PiG" (Pedagogerna i Gävle) was started in 2012 for future educators of various kinds studying at the University of Gävle.
And also to ensure that educators continue to be part of the student community at the University of Gävle. All to make everyone's time at the University of Gävle enjoyable and memorable!
Overall color: Bamse Blue
Fristående programföreningar

PA Gefle
PA Gefle is aimed at those studying the Human Resources and Working Life program.
The purpose of the association is to ensure that your time as a student becomes the best it can be! PA Gefle is here for you, whether it involves organizing events, providing support in your education, or helping you connect with relevant companies for your future.
Overall color: Purple"
Independet student accociation
These associations do not have their own overalls. It's possible to be a member of these associations and still be a member of your section or program association and wear the overall associated with it!

Gävles Resande Intellektuella Studenter (GRiS)" translates to "Gävle's Traveling Intellectual Students"
GRiS" is an association for all students at the University of Gävle, regardless of their overall color or whether they have overalls at all. The association organizes trips to various student parties around Sweden, primarily the cruise event called "Sjöslaget.

Högskolemäklarna" is for those studying to become real estate agents. The association focuses on the business sector and organizes events like the real estate fair "Mäklardagen" every year.

Sweden's Teacher Students Gävle
"Sveriges Lärarstudenter Gävle" is a student association affiliated with the trade union Sveriges Lärarstudenter.