Café Kåren har öppet tisdagar 16 – 20 i Kårhuset (hus 91)
Who is Café Committee?
The Café Committee is the newest committee at Gefle Student Union and the group that operates Café Kåren. Together, we ensure that there is always delicious coffee, board games, and a friendly atmosphere. Sometimes we also collaborate and can offer something a little extra fun to try – both in terms of food and activities.
At the café, we have the large café area, and then we also have the VIP section where you can sit privately and study or read. Sometimes the sections also book the VIP section for some of their events such as sewing circles and open board meetings.
Do you want to book the VIP section? – Email or DM us on Instagram. instagram
Café Kåren
As mentioned, Café Kåren is Gefle Student Union's own little café on the HiG campus where you can buy cheap and delicious snacks. In collaboration with Prego, we also sell their surplus baked goods to prevent food waste! And of course, union members always get free coffee/tea and discounts. How great is that?!
We're open on Tuesdays from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Join the student union! Join as a member.
Meet the Café Committee.
Sofie Hansen
Committee Manager
Studying: Industrial Economics
Section: Gefleteknologerna
Color on ovve: Bordeaux
Patrik Selin
Studying: Land Surveying Program, Economics/Law
Section: Gefleteknologerna
Color on ovve: Bordeaux
William Josefsson
Studying: Teacher
Section: PiG
Color on ovve: Bamse Blue
Lia Gimbergsson
Studying: —
Section: Gefleteknologerna
Color on ovve: Bordeaux
Sanaz Häffner
Studying: The Personnel and Working Life Program
Association: PA Gefle
Color on ovve: Purple"
Frida Görling
Studying: The Communication Program
Section: Cult&Co
Color on ovve: Khaki
Gå med om du älskar fika och trevligt sällskap.
Är du full av idéer på hur man kan göra caféet ännu bättre? SÖK!
Du ansöker enkelt genom att fylla i formuläret här på hemsidan. Vill du veta mer om olika poster eller hur utskottet fungerar så är det bara att höra av sig till
När ansökan inkommit kommer du få en intervjutid där du får prata med de ansvariga och veta mer om utskottet och de olika posterna.
Please note that you must be a member of Gefle Student Union to apply for positions with us.
Sök till caféutskottet!
Om du har några funderingar eller frågor mejla eller DMa oss instagram