Nattklubb, pubkvällar och en massa annat.

Vad är Klubbmästeriet?
Klubbmästeriet (kallas också KM) är Gefle Studentkårs äldsta och största utskott. Vi driver nattklubben ’Club Kåren’ samt projektgrupper för olika sorters evenemang såsom spelhelger och halloweenfesten. Förutom klubbmästaren, som jobbar heltid på kåren, så gör vi allt detta ideellt för att alla studenter vid HiG ska få en maxad studietid full av roliga evenemang.
Vi som sitter i KM heter klubbmästerister och ni känner igen oss på våra svarta KM-hattar och hoodies. Men vi letar alltid härligt folk som vill joina oss eller jobba ett pass eller två – du behöver inte vara medlem eller invald för att jobba, utan du hojtar bara så fixar vi!
Club Kåren
Kårens egna nattklubb. Här kan du dansa natten lång och träffa nya vänner! Istället för att ha en vanlig nattklubb som är öppen ofta så satsar vi på större event med grymma teman. Te.x Halloween. Vi har öppet ca 1 gång i månaden 21.00 – 01.00

Do you want to join us?
Bar Crew (responsible) - You have the ultimate responsibility for the bar both during and between club and pub nights. You ensure that the bar is stocked, that everything is functioning properly, that the assortment is good, and that inventory is kept. You must be at least 20 years old.
Bar Crew (bartender) - You, along with those responsible, manage the bar during club and pub nights and oversee the assortment in the bar.
Purchasing Manager - You are responsible for purchasing items needed for events. You must be at least 20 years old and have a driver's license and access to a car (mileage reimbursement provided).
Sound and Lighting Manager - You are responsible for setting up and ensuring that the sound and lighting are ready to go for club and pub nights. In the beginning, you will learn from a previous responsible person, but experience/knowledge in the subject is meritorious.
Marketing - You are in charge of all marketing from the Club Management. This includes taking photos, creating graphic materials, and writing texts for social media, posters, etc. Keep an eye on DMs and emails. You work closely with the union's communicator and receive assistance from them.
Personnel Manager - You keep track of the staff during club nights, as well as ordering food and creating schedules for the evening.
Member - You're everywhere and nowhere, take any position you want during the club night, try out different areas, find sponsors, and be creative!
- Free KM hoodie
- Free KM badge
- Free KM-Hat
- Discounted prices on KM merchandise and tickets
- Plus, memories for life!
"When you've completed your term in KM (at least one operational year), you become a KM VIP and additionally receive:
- VIP card
- Discounted prices on KM merchandise, event tickets, etc.
- KM medal
Typically, one is elected in September when the autumn semester begins. At that time, you sign a contract for one operational year (until June). However, you can join at any time during the year if you wish.
You can choose to step down from KM at any time, but you will lose your benefits. For example, you won't become a VIP, receive your medal. You can only keep your KM hoodie by paying for it; otherwise, it must be returned to the union.
Nej! Du kan alltid jobba på Club kåren som student vid HiG. Du kan även sitta i projektgrupperna för de lite större kvällarna (t.ex Halloween eller pubrundan) om du skulle vilja testa lite mer än enstaka arbetspass.
The Club managers are always open to great suggestions for everything from events to branding/merchandise ideas! Just email km@geflestudentkar.se
Join the community and become a klubbmästerist!
Do you want to get involved in the student union's pub activities and create awesome parties and events? APPLY!
You apply by filling out the form here on the website, or alternatively, book a meeting with us to chat and fill out a form.
Once your application has been received, you will be given an interview time where you will get to talk to the Club Manager and learn more about the committee and the various positions.
Please note that you must be a member of Gefle Student Union to apply for positions with us.
Apply to the Klubbmästeriet!
Träffa klubbmästeristerna

Algot Brolin
Club Manager
Studied: Bachelor in Industrial Design
Section/ association: Gtech
Color on ovve: Bordeuax

Max Norell
Wardrobe Manager
Studying: Subject Teacher Education Program
Section/ association: PiG
Color on ovve: BamseBlue

Funderar du över något eller har frågor till klubbmästeriet? Kontakta oss via km@geflestudentkar.se eller skriv till oss på Instagram @gefleklubbmasteri
To reach the Club Manager Algot Brolin, email studiesocialt@geflestudentkar.se