Ta chansen att engagera dig under din studietid!​

The best way to make sure your time as a student becomes memorable, is to meet new people, discover new intrests and to make contacts for life.

Take the chance to get involved in student life!

The best way to make sure your time as a student becomes memorable, is to meet new people, discover new intrests and to make contacts for life.

Arvoderade uppdrag på Gefle Studentkår verksamhetsåret 2024-25

Gefle Studentkår är en arbetsplats som erbjuder dig ett år av spännande och värdefulla erfarenheter som samtidigt ger dig möjlighet att utvecklas. Det är även en chans att fortsätta förbättra och stärka studentlivet i Gävle. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Läs mer om alla våra olika uppdrag genom att klicka här. Och vet du inte vilken position som du skulle passa på är du mer än välkommen till att göra en allmän ansökan, eller kontakta oss för hjälp att välja.

Ansökan görs via ansökningsformuläret här bredvid, eller genom att mejla din ansökan till org.sekr@geflestudentkar.se

Please note that you must be a member of Gefle Student Union to apply for positions with us.

Vill du engagera dig ideellt under studietiden? Skrolla ned läs mer om våra ideella uppdrag!

Praktisk information

Sista ansökningsdatum är 25 april, klockan 15:00 för samtliga uppdrag. Du kan dock söka till kårens utskott och projektgrupper när som helst under verksamhetsåret.

Gefle Studentkårs versamhetsår sträcker sig från den 1 juli 2024 till den 30 juni 2025.

Din ansökan och din kandidering kommer att behandlas av Gefle studentkårs valberedning. Valberedningen genomför intervjuer med de sökande och tar sedan fram ett förslag på tillsättande av uppdrag vilket presenteras för Konst-FUM (årsmötet).
Valberedningen kommer att ta kontakt med dig som sökande om tid för intervju.

Du som ingår i valberedningens förslag till Konst-FUM (årsmötet) förväntas att närvara under mötet då förslaget kommer att beslutas om.
Konst-FUM (årsmötet) äger rum: 16e Maj (16/05) 2024 kl. 17:00

Vad händer efter ansökan?

Gefle studentkår är en medlemstyrd organisation. Detta betyder att det är medlemmarna (och den mandatfördelning de röstat fram) som beslutar om verksamheten. Under Konst-FUM (årsmötet) beslutas om samtliga uppdrag förutom tjänsterna Kommunikatör och Studentinflytandeansvarig.

Tjänsterna Kommunikatör och Studentinflytandeansvarig tillsätts av kårstyrelsen.
Detta sker i anslutning till Konst-FUM den 16e Maj (16/05) 2024.

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Want to work in the unions organisation, or maybe help throw awesome parties? There's something for everyone!

Gefle Studentkår doesn't function without all the dedicated individuals who are actively involved on a voluntary basis! There are trust assignments at all levels – ranging from working full-time as a paid position, to sitting on boards and committees, to organizing the best parties."

Why should I get involved?

Student influence is crucial! Not only for the University of Gävle and the individual student but also for the continued development and quality of education. Equally important is having individuals who want to get involved in the study-social aspects, such as organizing events.

How do I get involved?

  • Always complete the course evaluation after finishing a course. It gives you the opportunity to express your thoughts on what went well and what could be improved.
  • Become a member of Gefle Studentkår! It contributes to our ability to continue active representation in both educational and study-social matters. You also have the opportunity to join various committees – such as those focused on the café or event planning!
  • As a member, you can also apply to become a student representative in one of the university's many committees and councils. It not only provides experience and enhances your credentials but also expands your network.

Opportunities for those who want to go 'all in'

Are you someone who loves to be where decisions are made? Do you crave more responsibility? Or are you excellent at partying?

As a student representative, you have the opportunity to influence your education and the university's work. You will have the chance to represent yourself, as well as your classmates, in the meetings you actively participate in. Seize the opportunity to be involved in shaping your education and, ultimately, your future! Depending on your interests, you can be a student representative at various levels, from the university's highest decision-making bodies to councils that specifically concern your education.

Learn more about the various councils/committees and apply to become a student representative!

The Club Committee (KM) is a committee in Gefle Studentkår led by the Social Affairs Officer (Club Master).

The committee consists of volunteer students who manage and operate Club Kåren, as well as organize most of the union's events throughout the year. In the committee, there are different areas of responsibility for those who are particularly interested in a specific area, such as marketing, decoration, bar manager/bartender, sound and light, etc.

Det är även Klubbmästeristerna som leder projektgrupperna för de större eventen –  t.ex. Halloween, Valborg, m.m…..med andra ord, not all heros wear capes! (dom har bucket hats)

Become a klubbmästerist today and apply in the form! här or submit a general application in the form above.

Café Kåren is a committee that manages the union's café operations. The committee has a chairperson (chair of the committee) who has the highest responsibility, leads the group, and reports to the Social Affairs responsible person (the one at the union who manages our committees). The rest of the group consists of members who, together with the responsible person and the rest of the group, plan the selection, themes, work in the café, purchase goods, inventory, and market the café. The communication responsible person at the union can also assist and support in marketing.

If this sounds like something for you, apply to the Café Committee in the form below! Right now, we need more coffee lovers who want to work and support the café responsible person. 

Kårstyrelsen är den gruppering som jobbar närmast de arvoderade på kåren – alltså ordförande, vice ordförande  och studiesocialt ansvarig.  Det handlar då om att vara en hjälpande hand i den dagliga verksamheten. Det kan vara allt från att vara med på event till att leta samarbetspartners.

Kårstyrelsen har en vakans för verksamhetsåret 24/25.

The Student Union Council is the highest decision-making body of the union. FUM is incredibly important for us here at the union because without a council, we simply cannot carry out our daily work. It is FUM that reviews the activities and work of the union board, in other words, what we work on and focus on throughout the year.

Att sitta i FUM innebär att man går på ca. 2-3 möten under en termin, där man får höra vad kåren gör och kan diskutera och ta beslut kring det. 

Lediga poster: 1 ordförande och 4 ledamöter i valnämnden.

Halloweenfesten HT24
Kårens halloweenfest är det största eventet på Club Kåren efter inspark. Fullt ös, packat med folk och dekorationer. Var med och skapa en GRYM kväll. Planeringen brukar dra igång i september/oktober och eventet hålls runt Halloween. Mer info läggs ut från Klubbmästeriet på deras insta @gefleklubbmasteri

Halloween planeringsgrupp (ansökan)

If any of this sounds interesting, apply for one or more project groups in the form below! (Specify which project group you are interested in the application)

This information is updated as new projects are added or completed.

This is how you apply for one of our volunteer assignments

Do you want to get involved but not sure how or in what? Submit a spontaneous application and we'll help you!

You apply by filling out the form here on the website, or alternatively, book a time with us to fill out a form. Once the application is received, you will be given an interview time. During the interview, you will also receive additional information about the selection process.

Read more about the committees:

Klubbmästeriet - Manages Club Kåren

IntU Gefle - International Committee

Café Committe - Manages Café Kåren

Please note that you must be a member of Gefle Student Union to apply for positions with us.

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