Bli studentrepresentant idag

Seize the opportunity to be part of shaping your education – and ultimately, YOUR future!

Become a student-
representative today!

Seize the opportunity to be part of shaping your education – and ultimately, YOUR future!

Make your voice heard
as a student representative!

Student representatives should be part of preparatory and decision-making bodies to convey opinions and participate in decisions. In doing so, they contribute to the development and improvement of education and the students' situation at the University of Gävle

What does a student representative do?

As a student at the University of Gävle, you can become a student representative and thereby have the opportunity to influence your education and the university's work. You will have the chance to represent yourself and your course and program peers in the meetings you attend. Depending on your interests, you, as a student, can be a student representative in bodies at all levels, from the university's highest decision-making body to councils specific to your education.

Student representation for english students

For English speaking students where and when you can affect your studies and study situation is a bit more limited. You can always bring ideas and improvements directly to your teachers, or get in contact with the student ombudsman if any issues would arise. For this you do not need to be an elected student representative.

If you want to be an elected student representative, and get paid for your time, you can also apply to become an official student representative in the committee for your program or your course evaluation committee!

More info on where you can be a student representative:

Student Ombudsman:


NOTE! Scroll down and read "More information about student representatives" before applying.

Mer information om studentrepresentanter

Från och med HT23 är det inte obligatoriskt att vara medlem i Gefle Studentkår för att vara studentrepresentant. Det finns dock flera fördelar att vara medlem, du får studentrabatter, kårfrukostar och delta på alla våra event Är du inte medlem idag? Klicka här

När du är studentrepresentant är du förtroendevald. Du har alltså fått förtroende att representera studenter och att arbeta för ert bästa. Om du utsetts att företräda studenterna i ett av högskolans organ företräder du alla studenter som är berörda. Du har därför ett viktigt ansvar att se till så att du känner till så mycket som möjligt om de frågor som ska bevakas. Det gäller också att ha kontakt med andra studenter för att få del av deras synpunkter och åsikter.

När du kallas till möten av högskolan följer ofta olika typer av underlag med. Det är såklart viktigt att du läst dom innan mötet. En del av dessa kan även vara arbetsmaterial som inte är offentliga och får inte ges ut för allmän spridning.

Studentrepresentanter som ingår i beslutande organ har samma ansvar och befogenheter som andra ledamöter. Om organet tar beslut som går emot det du som studentrepresentant vill, kan du göra en reservation mot beslutet eller begära att avvikande mening antecknas i protokollet.

At the university, you can become a student representative in a variety of committees and councils. This ranges from the university's highest decision-making body, the University Board, to local committees like the Education Council that addresses issues specific to your program!

EU GREEN Steering Group (WORK PAGAGE 8) 
Right now, a four-year project has been initiated between HiG and 8 other institutions in Europe. Together, we will form a European University that will promote collaborations and interactions on an international stage for both students and staff. And, of course, there is a place for a student representative in the steering group!

The Education and Research Board (UFN)  
Its responsibility is to ensure and enhance the quality of the university's education, whether it is provided on campus, through distance learning, or as commissioned education.

"The Disciplinary Board 
Disciplinnämnden hanterar disciplinära åtgärder mot studenter som anklagas för fusk eller plagiat. Rektor avgör om ärendet hänskjuts till disciplinnämnden för prövning.

The Employment Committee 
The committee is appointed by UFN and deals with matters related to appointments for various assignments. As a representative, you get to participate in job interviews and influence (Public Administration students are given priority).

Work Environment Student (1 position AUE student)
Works with students' work environment to ensure that you, as a student, have a good work environment during your study period.

The Work Environment Committee 
Arbetsmiljökommittè är det lokala samverkansforumet för samtliga arbetsmiljögrupper på högskolan och hanterar  arbetsmiljöfrågor på lokal nivå. I kommittén sitter även huvudstuderandearbetsmiljöombud.

Environmental groups (1 plats AUE-student och 1 plats AHA-student)
Do you have a passion for the environment? Then this council is for you. There is one position per academy, AHA (Academy of Health and Working Life), ATM (Academy of Technology and Environment), AUE (Academy of Education and Economics).

Akademinämnderna är rådgivande organ för akademicheferna och har till huvuduppgift att behandla bland annat budget, inrättande av kurser, kursplaner och riktlinjer för examination.

-Akademinämnd AHA 
-Akademinämnd ATM 
-Akademinämnd AUE 

Education council (Multiple vacant positions, varies between programs)
For each program, there is an education council where discussions about your program take place. The education councils include student representatives, teacher representatives, and representatives from the business sector.

Other committees and working groups
Under the mentioned councils and committees, there are also local subcommittees and project groups. These could, for example, involve participating in a course evaluation committee or serving as a student representative in a project group. If you apply for a specific committee or project group, please specify it in the application text. If you do not specify a particular committee/project, we will contact you with the available opportunities for you to participate as a student representative.

The student union participates in councils and committees, representing the students... The union is involved in and exercises student influence in the following meetings:

The University Board

The University Board is the highest decision-making body of the university, together with the rector, forming the top leadership. It decides on all major and strategic decisions for the university, such as the budget and operational plan. You are represented by the president and vice president of the student union, as well as 1 student representative (Ph.D. student).

The Rector's management group

The Rector's management group is a support council for the rector, where the rector has the opportunity to present the opinions of the management and discuss various issues before making decisions. You are represented by the president of the student union.

The Rector's decision meetings

The Rector's decision meetings are designated occasions where the rector makes decisions. To ensure that decisions have student influence, the student union is represented (primarily by the president or vice president).

The Administrative Manager's decision meetings

"The Administrative Manager's decision meetings are designated occasions where the administrative manager makes decisions. To ensure that decisions have student influence, the student union is represented (primarily by the president or vice president)

"The Disciplinary Board

he board handles all disciplinary matters at the University of Gävle. You can come to the Disciplinary Board if you have been accused of, for example, cheating or plagiarism. The chairman and vice chairman of the student union are members of the board to ensure the student perspective. Please note that the chairman and vice chairman are impartial in the cases.

The Education and Research Board (UFN)

It has the responsibility to ensure and enhance the quality of the University's education, whether it is provided on campus, through distance learning, or as commissioned education. In UFN, the vice chairman of the student union and 3 student representatives are members.

EU GREEN Steering Group
Along with 8 other institutions in Europe, the University of Gävle forms a European University that promotes collaborations and interactions on an international stage for both students and staff. 

Occupational Health and Safety Committee

The Work Environment Committee is the local collaborative forum for all work environment groups at the university and deals with occupational health and safety issues at the local level. The committee includes the main student occupational health and safety representative.

Work environment student

The Work Environment Student is the forum for issues related to students and their work environment. According to the law, students have the same rights as employees to a good physical and psychosocial work environment. The group includes both students and the vice chairman.


An organization where the municipality, university, student union, and other representatives come together to discuss alcohol, drugs, doping, and tobacco, and plan preventive interventions.

All committees and councils provide remuneration. When you are elected by Gefle Student Union! The fee, as it's called, is paid out per term in arrears.

Man får 650 kr i ersättning per sammanträdesdag (för- och efterarbete ingår).

Students have the right to influence education at universities and colleges. The institutions should work to ensure that students actively participate in the development of education (Higher Education Act, Chapter 1, Section 4a). Students have the right to be represented when decisions are made or preparations take place that are significant for education or the students' situation (Higher Education Act, Chapter 2, Section 7). If decisions are to be made by a single person, information should be provided to and consultation should take place with a student representative well in advance of the decision or completion of the preparation.
