The chairman is interviewed on P4 Gävleborg about bus route 15

"Students dissatisfied with the bus route at the university."

Gefle Studentkår's chairman, Nikolai Kronmann, is interviewed on Sweden's Radio P4 Gävleborg regarding students' concerns about the timetable for bus route 15 passing by the University of Gävle.

The student union has received complaints from students stating that the bus timetable does not align well with lectures. This creates a poorer opportunity for commuting to and from the university early in the morning and late at night, particularly for those with early lectures or late-night projects. We also observe an increased need among students residing on the campus area at the University for the possibility to take the bus during weekends to and from the railway station for home travels. This includes the necessity to travel for grocery shopping since there is no nearby grocery store at the university." Busslinje 15 trafikeras av Xtrafik och sträcker sig mellan Campus Sätra, Sjukhuset, Högskolan, Gävle Centrum och Gävle Strand.


Foto: Klara Pålsson/Sveriges Radio, Minna Pyykölä/Sveriges Radio